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I graduated from Blackstone Valley Technical High School where I specialized in HVAC and Refrigeration.During my senior year at Blackstone, I co-oped for a small residential HVAC/R service company. It was during this time that I decided to further my education in this field. Realizing that I enjoyed the challenging engineering aspects of the job, I continued my education at Advanced Technical Institute where I graduated with an associate’s degree in HVAC/R.


I started my professional career working as a third party contractor for EMC². My time at EMC² was primarily focused on environmental chambers maintenance and repair. EMC² decided to upgrade the refrigeration systems on their LN 2 driven chambers and contracted Envirotronics to complete the project. While working alongside Envirotronics personnel, they noticed my hard work and dedication to get the job done. This led to recommendations of me to their service manager. I ended up accepting a job offer from Envirotonics where I worked for four years. Associated Environmental Systems reached out to me and offered me a service manager’s position which I was excited to accept. After working for these great companies, I felt it was time to fulfill my goal to start my own business-- Xtra Environmental, LLC.


While I am not solving environmental chamber related problems, I enjoy activities such as boating and functional weight training.